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3 Steps to Re-Branding Your Company

Sometimes, you hear that a company announces that they are planning a rebranding initiative. You might wonder what exactly this means. Are they changing their logo, their brand colors or maybe even adding some additional brand touchpoints like signage or event banners to the brand? What might often be overlooked is what a rebranding initiative really entails. Rebranding is the changing of a company's brand's identity. A company's Brand Identity includes everything from why the company is in business, how they operate and what they are offering. Rebranding a company can be compared to a person not only changing the person's cloth. It is more like a person decides to go to different restaurants, changing the job, getting new friends or even changing a partner. Here are the three basic steps to rebrand your company: Research how people see your brand by looking at your Brand Image . Review and re-define your Brand Identity . Hire a graphic designer to create your Bra...

Brand Image, Identity and Personality

Did Amazon Jump the Curve–Again?

The new Amazon Cube will be shipped on June 21, 2018. This is the first TV "remote control" that is 100% voice controlled, and it is not a marginal improvement over conventional remote controls. It is certainly considered as a technology and usability jump of magnitudes. But this is not the first time Amazon jumped the curve. In the mid 90's, Amazon was the first to sell books online and became a major player in the book retail industry. Amazon has announced to implement the delivery of products via drones. These are two more examples where Amazon is creating solutions that are not just improvements of a certain offering. They mark milestones in the evolution of the usage of technology. Amazon seems to follow the same path as Apple did by doing what Steve Jobs said once: make products not twice as good but 10 times better . Does your company have the ability to jump the curve? Let's assume you have an insurance brokerage firm. Can you create a service for your cl...

Unique and Valuable

Imagine a product that is very unique but does not have any value for anyone. You might agree that this product would not be worth much. Now, think of a product that is very valuable but not unique, then the product would not be worth much either because a lot of competitors produce the same product and there is an over-supply, which causes prices to plummet and margins for the producer become only sustainable for mass production. In other words, a company has the best selling proposition when its products are unique and valuable to the customers. The same is true for brands. A brand will need to be unique and valuable, so people feel drawn to the brand. It is remarkable that big brands have figured out their formula for brand success and are constantly developing their brand to stay relevant. So, it is no wonder that big brands become bigger over time. analyzes hundreds of brands and creates an annual report for each country and for the world. These repo...

Forbidden Branding

I grew up in Europe in a country next to a very small republic called " German Democratic Republic" GDR . There was nothing democratic about that country, it was a dictatorship and economic development was non-existent.  Because we had relatives in the GDR my family was allowed to visit once a year, so we crossed the  Iron Curtain  a few times before and after The Berlin Wall came down. The city we went to is called  Jena , a small town located about 100 miles south of Berlin.  Volks Eigener Betrieb (VEB) means in English publicly-owned business. Every business in the GDR was a member of an industry-wide Kombinat that managed all vertical departments like production, research, development, and sales.  What I witnessed then left a deep impression on me. I was a teenager at the time and I only understood later what I saw then: a country where brands had been completely suppressed .  This experience has given me my mot...

What are Touchpoints?

Every time a person sees, feels, hears or smells anything about your brand it will make an impression on the person. It will tell a story about your brand. These events are called touchpoints. The sum of all touchpoints a person has with your brand is the experiences the person has with your brand. If it is a good experience and it creates good feelings for that person, your brand might gain that person one day as a customer. The above graphic that looks like a sun is an illustration of (almost) all possible touchpoints people can have with a brand. The job of a brand manager is to control as many touchpoints as possible. 

Jumping The Curve

On October 6, 2011, the day after Steve Jobs died, Guy Kawasaki gave a talk at the Silicon Valley Bank’s CEO Summit. He talked about lessons he learned from Steven. And one lesson he mentioned was "jump the curve". What Steve meant by that statement is not really a new concept but it makes clear what entrepreneurs really need to do if they want to become and stay relevant.  You certainly have seen a typical product life cycle curve that every product runs through. The picture below illustrates this curve. What Steve is referring to is the fact that if companies, especially start-ups, want to avoid the harsh headwind from their competition, and if they like to grow their business, they need to be innovative and bring a new product onto the market, which is unique and valuable to the customers – they need to jump onto a new product lifecycle curve.